Does traditional advertising still have a future News-FR

Does traditional advertising still have a future ?

Advertising is necessary to make its products and services better known to customers. However, it should be noted that with the advent of digital, traditional advertising has taken a hit. Many observers are therefore wondering whether traditional advertising still has a future.

But what do we mean by traditional advertising ? And can it reinvent itself ? This article will therefore examine these two questions.

Qu’traditional advertising means ?

In general, the traditional advertising is a means of mass communication encompassing the other forms of communication. It is therefore an effective tool used to act on the choice of a target. The target can be a user, a consumer, a voter or a user.

In addition, traditional advertising can also be seen as the set of means used to make a product, a commercial or industrial enterprise known to a given public.

However, it should be noted that well-defined objectives are behind the use of this means of mass communication. Thus, you have notoriety objectives allowing to make the product or service known or image or affective objectives whose role is to make the product or service liked by the targeted people. In addition to these objectives, you also have a behavioral objective in order to make the target act so that it changes its purchasing habits.

Within traditional advertising, certain media are being leveraged. This includes television through audiovisual sequences such as movies, commercials and shows. Posters are also widely used and stuck in commercial areas, on the roadside or in city centers.

Apart from these two means of communication, some companies use radio, cinema or the written press to advertise in order to reach the target audience. These are techniques used by the’outbound marketing to reach a large audience.

Can traditional advertising reinvent itself? ?

It is no longer a secret that with the ubiquity of online viewing platforms, the traditional advertising must renew and adapt to the digital age. In fact, people no longer pay much attention to long advertisements. In fact, it is worth noting that the human attention span has shrunk from 12 seconds in 2002, to only eight in 2013.

Hence the need for traditional advertising to reinvent itself. That’s why advertisers are turning more and more to the haiku of video advertising.

Also, social networks influence a lot the television because before it was the TV messages that we observed on the web but for a while it is the opposite that happens.

To reinvent itself, traditional advertising has no other choice than to bet on its duration. For example, the American TV channel Fox is running the six-second ad format alongside the traditional 15- and 30-second ads. Nowadays, it takes little time to convince. And this is a reality.

In fact, a video watched in less than three seconds generates nearly 47% of the total value of the campaign, while in less than 10 seconds, this value reaches 74%. With this, it is clearly noted that it is not necessary to watch a video entirely to see this magic happen.

Even advertisements that are viewed for a few seconds can reinforce the brand and stimulate purchase intent in customers. However, shorter, less traditional, mini-documentary-style ad formats create a sense of attachment to the character through the character’s story. The traditional advertising therefore has the obligation to reinvent to keep up with the digital age.