The opening effect 10 keys to success in opening our business

10 keys to succeed in opening our business

In any business, the first day of’The business is exciting, with expectations for the opening as well as the’the future, with the desire of’have a first customer…. But in retail, moreover, the first day is “the big day”, the day to raise the shutter and make a good impression; and with the right management, it will enter the market’We give it a story like the day, week, or maybe month that it had “the opening’opening effect”.

You could define the’effect of’You could define the opening strategy and key launch offers’This is why it is currently increasing steadily, with the desire to increase the number of visitors in the future’The first day) that is generated through the use of robotics’Have a promotional development and waiting list that is capable of building your own retail brand.

Easier for strong brands

For famous brands, the’s effect’This opening moment happens almost “by itself” because between their strong advertising presence or their impact on society and word of mouth, the target population knows perfectly well what to expect’What the new store does for them. The brand does not’No need to wait’to announce who it is, everyone already knows it.

The opening strategy’opening of a shop’A great retail brand generally consists of the following strategies:

Strong local communication plan with date of birth’You could define the opening strategy and key launch offers. We make it sound like a party, like “you’re the one who’s doing it’have requested and finally we open a store in your city “. Have a’spectacular offers the first days that facilitate the traffic of visits.

Have a lot of stock to be able to sell the maximum.

Conduct family-friendly activities to generate greater local impact: attractions and games for children, educational workshops for customers, demonstrations, etc.

What to do if my store is an SME ?

You can be a store with a new brand, small or without a certain notoriety and have a great effect on the market’opening. But really your concern should not be what happens that day, week or month to set an isolated sales record, but that their good work and ability to gain customers get that record consistently surpassed.

It does not matter’Do not act on it’have great resources, but not enough time’have the’You can be a store with a new brand, small or without a certain reputation and have a great attitude to start building a certain expectation towards your opening. This moment of’The opening effect should also be included in the opening plan’business.

Ten actions to achieve a grand opening with few resources:

  • As soon as you have the commercial premises, install a large sign on the front indicating your start of business’business: who you are and what you will sell. If you are sure of the date, it will also be indicated.
  • It’s time to contact influencers and groups that could be potentially interesting and have them participate in our next opening. They will certainly be happy if you open a store that meets their tastes/interests/needs.
  • Your closest neighbors may be your best customers. Prepare a presentation flyer to be mailed or better yet, go door-to-door in your street or neighborhood. You can also include in this diptych a special discount coupon for the first days, exclusive for your neighbors. Beware of the person who makes the door to door delivery, because this will be the first image of your new business for many people.
  • You are making a difference’important purchases’actions to start…. Negotiate good products at the best price and don’t let them get in the way’Don’t be afraid to sell with almost no margin ! Have a good product hook as an offer of’opening can be a good idea.
  • Become strong in social networks. Almost from the beginning of the work or reforms of your new business, you should be present in social networks, make noise and gain followers who later can be customers.
  • N’don’t be afraid to’Invest in advertising on Facebook, for very little money’money you can get from’excellent results. In addition, you should think about the’importance of’Expand your store into e-commerce, which should be your next and immediate necessary step.
  • Your most immediate network of contacts should be your largest network of contacts’ambassadors ! All your family, friends, acquaintances and contacts should know when you open, what you sell and why your store will be the best in town. Enthuse them with your energy and they will do the rest.
  • Choose the best possible dependents. The best salesperson n’is not the one who sells the most, but the one who sells the best. Look for good customer service qualities in candidates, as this should be the’one of your distinctive signs.
  • Sales and product training: your store team must be perfectly trained to transmit your brand values from the first day, to serve the customer with the criteria of’excellence that you brand and be a perfect connoisseur of the product.
  • I’m sure your suppliers will give you a hand with product training to help you sell more.
  • Encourage and motivate your team to make every sale the most important sale of the day and make every customer feel like the most important person in the world. It does’does not act to receive the first visit of’a customer, it is’acts to recover it.
  • Take advantage of the business, the contact with customers, the satisfaction of your customers and the quality of your products’offer a solution to their needs. If you have people in your care, remember that you are like a mirror for them and that your value as a consumer is not the same’The cost of these actions is very low, which is fundamental, both in the way you serve your customers and in the way you move in the store. It’s time to start selling and building loyalty.

The cost of these actions is very low, which is why it is so important’it’s necessary, c’is the’s attitude and willingness to pay’You should be able to dazzle from day one, without complexes or fears for the big operators. it n’there is only’a single date of’opening and it is necessary to go for all !